I'm a teacher. Actually, not a real teacher that teach some lesson at school. I am a part time teacher at a tuition. I teach primary school students. I taught senior high school students for accounting once, but at my new place, my task is for teach so many little friends :D
Being a teacher is not my dream. I didn't even imagine to teach a lot of students. For me, being a teacher is just for a person who have a lot of patience. My anger can easily explode, so I think being a teacher is not my job. But all of my opinions broke down when I have to work for having money for myself. My parents wouldn't give me any money for my college life. So, after having my record from high school, I choose to being a teacher for my part time job.
Actually, I could find another job like being a salesgirl or make an event organizers, but no, my parents banned me from being a salesgirl and I don't have enough bravery to join any event organizers, I don't have enough experience, though. I join work life at a very young age, I mean, I know It's not only me that should work for college life, I even work just for my own money, not for my family like what my parents have done before, but still, college student have to work and study both so hard is rare in this decade, right?
I know it's hard for the first time. Even I still can't accept my own choice to be a teacher, but now I think being a teacher is not a bad job. I even realised and learned some of important things that should be remembered if I already have my own child.
I love children, I mean, I love to watch they smile, I love to watch they laugh and happy because of me, I love to see they like to being taught by me. Some children that I taught have their own problems. They born in a divorce family, they don't have enough attention from their parents, their mom ignore them, and another unreasonable excuse from their children. For example, mother should be there to watch her child grow up and mother also should be there to teach them new things. Teach them to talk, run, seeing different colors, reading, singing, even teach them how to be a good child and have a good attitude. These are what I've learned. I want to be a full time mommy. I know it's a little bit too far. I'm still 20 years old and I already think to be a mommy. No, this is not about to fast or not. This is about my decision after seeing a lot of child that I've taught.

My high school student always go to learning center earlier than their study time. I ask them why, and they said, "I don't want to be at home. No one at home, It's better to talk and chit chat with you here, sis." When they talked like that, my heart broke into pieces. I don't have a good high school life. I am an introvert student back then, so I always bring all of my problems at school and tell it to my mother. I don't even want to go anywhere. It feels warm in my own home. I couldn't answer them. What could I did is gave them attention, encouraged them, and made them clever and happy because of me. They're almost finished their high school, now. The girls are on the 12th grade, and the boys are going to college this year. One of my student will be with me here! My college is not as famous as Prasetya Mulya University, UMN, Bina Nusantara University, or even as good as Universitas Indonesia, so I ask him why he want to go to the same college with me. He gave me a memorable answer. He said, "I want to be like you, sis." This is just a simple sentence. The shortest answer that I've heard when I ask someone why they choose something for their life. But from this simple statement, I realised that my job for being his teacher is accomplished.
(Psst... He is the one that get some full score for economy and accounting exams after getting a lot of red marks for his score)
In my new tuition, I've found a lot of abandoned children. Most of them miss their mom's affection. One day my friends said, "Audrey said she is lucky today. When I ask her why, she said It's because her parents are at home today, and Daniel also said: oh, I am so lucky too." When I hear that I felt my heart broke into pieces for the second times. They said they're lucky because their parents are at home. It just... I always have my mother at home when I was at their age... (I even want to cry when I tell this to you. It really breaks my heart)
Another day, another friend said "Serenita really needs our attention. She still can't read" I asked back like curious "Didn't her mother teach her to study?" "nope, her dad even said 'like her mother's care. she can't even raise her" my friend answered. and... yeah, I can't even say a thing, nvm.
Conventional mother is still needed in this decade. Your social time, leisure time is important, but I think I'll forget all my time for my child. That is my commitment, not only a promise. I've seen how my mother raise my little brother, how my mother tell my cousins to raise their children with affection, I've even seen how my grandmother raise my father, and how my father loves her so much.
Qualified mom is needed to produce qualified children, your knowledge and experienced will give you benefit not only for work.
Modern moms, I know you wanna be pretty, I know you have your own social life, but please give affection and attention for your children. I am just a tuition teacher, I know I have no right, but I hope my opinion can inspired all of you.