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Friday, February 26, 2016

Homemade Sweet Candy Scrub - Chocolate Review

I have such a longgg and tiring week. Finally it's done, yes, all of my works and papers. Thanks God it's Friyay ! Now, I have time to review my currently favorite scrub from @sweetcandyscrub . Well, if you do follow my blog, I've review some of homemade-natural skincare, even I've posted all of my favorite natural cares on my instagram. So... when @sweetcandyscrub said they want me to review their scrub, I can't say no, of course !
Minggu ini bener-bener melelahkan dan panjang banget rasanya. Akhirnya, selesai juga semua tugas-tugas, paper, kerjaan, semua yang ga jelas dari kampus :'). Dan akhirnya.... JUMAT ! Sekarang aku punya waktu buat review scrub yang belakangan ini jadi favoritku, yang selalu nemenin pas mandi dari @sweetcandyscrub . Buat yang ngikutin postingan blog ini, aku udah review beberapa produk rumahan atau skincare yang base nya narural. Bahkan kayaknya aku sempat post foto di instagramku juga tentang produk-produk homemade-natural favoritku. Jadi... ketika @sweetcandyscrub ini DM Instagram mau kirimin produk buat di review, tentu saja, iya!

@sweetcandyscrub based on Yogyakarta. They sent me this from Yogyakarta to Jakarta, OMG thankyou :') I've got the chocolate varian, and can't even wait for use the product when it arrived safely to my house. Because, yes. I am addicted to chocolate ! I opened the shipment package, and found one cute paperbag like this
@sweetcandyscrub berlokasi di Yogyakarta (noh yang Yogya monggo langsung pesen). Iya mereka kirimin dari Yogya ke Jakarta :') terharu. Aku dapet varian coklat, dan langsung ga sabar buat nyoba dari pertama kali paketnya datang, soalnya buat yang liat-liat profileku, aku demen banget sama coklat! Aku buka paketnya, dan didalemnya ada paperbag kayak gini

This is so cute. I felt like they want to send me a smal lunch with a bread and a jam inside it. As long as I know, this product is quite pricey which is good for your "pocket's health"
Ini lucu banget. Berasa kayak dikirimin bekal makan siang yang isinya roti sama selai di dalamnya. setauku, produk ini ga terlalu mahal, yang artinya bagus juga buat "kesehatan kantong" XD

See, they even sent me the plastic spoon. If somebody (especially my brother) opened this package before me, I'm 100% sure he will think this as cereal or chocolate powder and will definitely drink this lol. 
Bahkan ada sendok plastiknya di dalamnya. kalo seseorang (terutama dedeku) buka paketnya sebelum aku buka, dia pasti kira ini sereal atau bubuk coklat trus diminum X'D

As you see in this photo, It's 170gr / 6,0 oz Not quite big, but sure lot enough to use it for your body
Bisa diliat, ukurannya 170gr / 6,0 oz, ga terlalu gede, tapi cukup banyak buat dipake ke badan.

They also inserted this brochure inside the paperbag
Ada brosur ini juga di dalam paperbagnya.

They said this scrub can remove your dead skin, gives nutrition to your skin, no preservatives, no coloring, natural, and also save for kids and preggy. All of the benefit can be read here.
Katanya, scrub ini bisa menghilangkan kulit mati, memberikan manfaat untuk kulit, tanpa pengawet, tanpa pewarna, dan juga aman untuk dipakai oleh anak-anak dan ibu hamil.

This is the jar after I removed the cloth right on the top. again, I felt that I was gonna eat that if I don't remember that's a scrub.
Ini bentuknya setelah kain diatasnya dibuka. lagi-lagi aku ngerasa bakal makan ini kalau ga inget ini scrub.

Actually, according to the owner that informed me, we can use this scrub for face as a mask, but nah, I have to take care of my sensitive face skin. So this is the powder. I loove the smell. soooo chocolate. I really want to eat this, can't I?
Sebenernya kata owner yang kasih info, scrub ini bisa dipake ke muka jadi masker bubuk gitu. Tapiiiiii berhubung wajahku super sensitif, jadi gabisa kupakai di wajah deh. Jadi ini bentuk bubuknya. Boleh ga si dimakan, duh. wanginya enak bener.

Stir it with some water. just a little bit so the texture is little bit thick.
Aduk dengan air secukupnya, cukup sedikit aja biar tekstur nya agak kental.

Then apply it all over your body. For me, I waited at least 2-3 minutes, rubbed the scrub, then wash it off.
Lalu oles ke seluruh badan, Kalau cara pakaiku, aku diamkan dulu selama 2-3 menit, gosok scrub nya, baru bilas bersih.

Me with Sweet Sugar Scrub~ ^^
Yak ini aku dan Sweet Sugar Scrub~ ^^

I love the texture, I love the smell, I love the sensation and relaxation effect after I use this scrub. The most amazing thing that I like from this scrub is, It doesn't give me any 'oily' sensation like I just put myself in one big bowl of oily soap. I've used the other natural body scrub, and that gave me that kind of sensation. so... yuck. not again. But nah, this scrub is different. My skin felt so smooth after use this scrub, not kind of oily.
Aku suka teksturnya, suka wanginya, suka sensasinya sama efek relaksasi yang kurasain setelah pakai scrub ini. Satu hal yang amazing dan bikin aku suka banget, Setelah pakai ini rasanya kulit jadi halus, bukan halus yang oily berminyak licin kayak abis kejebur ke bak isi sabun minyak gitu, (ngomong apaan sih) aku pernah pakai salah satu natural home made scrub juga, tapi rasanya ya itu. licin licin ga enak. kalau ini beda, Sweet Sugar Scrub ini bikin lembutt banget tanpa kasih efek licin licin gitu.

then it comes to the end. what I like are: 
- the smell
- the texture
- gives relaxation effect
- doesn't give 'oily' sensation
- makes my skin feels smoother
Jadi, akhirnya, aku menyimpulkan yang aku suka adalah:
- wanginya
- teksturnya
- bikin relax
- ga ada efek berminyak atau licin ga enak gitu setelah pakai
- kulit jadi berasa lebih halus

What I don't like:
Apa yang aku gasuka:
tidak ada

I have allergies on my skin. I have to be careful and picky for my skincare. Fortunately this scrub doesn't worsen my allergies, which is an addition point for this scrub.
Seperti yang udah aku sebutin di post-post sebelumnya, Aku ada alergi. Harus hati-hati dan agak pemilih dalam memilih skincare. Untungnya, scrub ini ga memperparah alergiku. Menurutku ini poin atau nilai lebih dari Sweet Candy Scrub.

Rate 1-5:

Yess~ !

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Cathy Doll Ready 2 White, One Day Whitener Body Lotion Review

I've been sooooo busy these days. College life literally wants to kill me (okay, this is too much) Fortunately, I've made some time to update this blog again. From now on, since I am an Indonesian blogger, so I decided to use both English and Bahasa.
Beberapa hari ini aku sibuuuuuukkk banget, Kehidupan mahasiswa bener-bener kayak mau ngebunuh -.- (okay ini lebay). Untungnya, aku bisa nemu waktu yang tepat untuk update blog ini lagi. Kayaknya.... mulai sekarang aku bakal pakai 2 bahasa, yaitu bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Today, I want to give some review about my white booster lotion, Cathy Doll Ready 2 White, One Day Whitener Body Lotion. Well, actually I've used this with the liquid soap, but... I've used that until I forgot that I want to review the liquid soap too. (well yeah so dumb lol) 
Hari ini, aku mau review lotion white boosterku, yaitu Cathy Doll Ready 2 White, One Day Whitener Body Lotion. Uh... sebenernya aku juga pakai ini dengan sabun cairnya, tapi... aku lupa habisin sabunnya sampai lupa aku juga mau review sabunnya. (iya tau kok dodol X'D)

So, this is the product based on the website.
Jadi, ini penampakan bentuknya berdasarkan websitenya

I've downloaded this picture from Cathy Doll Indonesia. Based on the picture, the main ingredients are Glutathione, Arbutin, and Snail Secretion Filtrate. All of this ingredients are believed to give us brighter skin.
Aku download ini dari Cathy Doll Indonesia. Berdasarkan gambar diatas, bahan-bahan utamanya adalah Glutathione, Arbutin, dan Filtrat sekresi siput (?). Semua bahan-bahan utama ini dipercaya memberikan kita kulit yang lebih cerah.

The website even provides us with "how to use" and they show us the texture of this product. Well, these are quite interesting.
Websitenya juga bahkan kasih tau kita tentang cara pakainya dan bahkan kasih liat tekstur dari produk ini. Uhm... kelihatannya sih menarik.

Not only the texture, They even include the before-after comparison pictures and the test of greasiness pictures. At this rate, this product looks so amazing, right?
Ga cuma kasih liat tekstur nya aja, mereka bahkan kasih lihat before-after nya setelah pemakaian, juga greasiness test. Dalam tahap ini, produknya keliatan bener-bener hebat, kan?

So they claim this product can make us brighter just in one day. Only apply it on our skin, and *baaam* you will get brighter skin. well, this effect will vanish after you take a bath of course. But don't worry, they said this product will help you to permanently brighten your skin !
Jadi, mereka bilang produk ini bisa bikin kulit kita lebih cerah hanya dalam 1 hari. Cuma tinggal pakaikan di kulit, trus *baaam* kulitmu bakal keliatan lebih cerah. uhmm ya sebenernya sih efeknya bakal hilang sehabis kamu mandi. Tapi jangan kuatir, katanya sih, asal kalian rutin pakainya, produk ini akan membantu mencerahkan kulitmu secara permanen.

Actually, is it really true?
Sebenernya.... bener ga sih?

It is mine. The bottle contains 150ml lotions. It costs IDR 288.000 (maybe you can get the cheaper one from the other online shop). I think this is too expensive, since I bought this with the soap too. It costed at least IDR 500.000 because I bought the liquid soap too.
Ini punyaku. Isi botolnya 150ml, harganya Rp. 288.000 (sebenernya mungkin bisa dapet lebih murah kalau beli di online shop lain). Ini mahaaaaaaaalll banget buatku, soalnya beli bareng sabunnya. Kira-kira bisa ngabisin Rp. 500.000, soalnya aku beli sama sabun cairnya juga.

Cathy Doll Ready 2 White products are not only the lotion and the liquid soap. There are facial foam, milky pack for face, and also moisturizer. Yeah, you can imagine how much money you will need to buy all of these products. (well, you have to sacrifice something to get and maintain your beautiful skin, right?) 
Produk dari Cathy Doll Ready 2 White ini ga cuma 2 doang. ga cuma sabun sama lotionnya. Masih ada maskernya, sabun cuci mukanya, pelembabnya, dan iya, semuanya kasih efek lebih putih gitu. Bisa bayangin ga berapa uang yang harus kamu keluarin buat beli semua seriesnya? Ampun, aku ga kuat XD. (Yah... kamu harus ngorbanin sesuatu buat ngerawat kulit biar tetep cantik, kan?)

This is the bottle, and the lotion comes from that small tip. You can slightly smell the sweet fragrance.
Ini botolnya, lotionnya keluar dari bagian yang kecil itu. Kalian bisa cium sedikit wanginya.

Without flash
Ga pake flash

With flash
Pake flash

After I applied it on my skin, you can see the difference between my skin, right? You can't see it clearly? So let's move to the "using flash" picture.
Setelah dipakai ke kulit, kalian bisa lihat bedanya di kulitku kan? Ga keliatan jelas, kah? Kalau gitu langsung liat aja foto yang pakai flash.

Yuhuu~ The front one looks brighter than the back one right? Like a half of my hand looks brighter.
Yuhuu~ yang bagian depan keliatan lebih cerah dibanding yang belakang kan? Setengahan gitu loh.

Lets move to another pictures. I applied it on my left leg. As you can see, my left leg looks brighter than the right leg.
Pindah ke gambar lainnya, Aku pakai di kaki kiri. Seperti yang kalian lihat, kaki kiriku keliatan lebih cerah, kan dibanding yang kanan?

This is the "flashed camera" version
Ini versi yang di flash

So, yes, actually I love this lotion. It makes my skin looks brighter just in one touch. I use this product for my instant whitening booster. It is also waterproof. I mean, as long as you don't touch soap or rub too hard, The white effect will last longer. BUT, for me, I don't like the sensation every time I've applied it on my skin. It kinda likes... using too much thick foundation to all over your skin. That feeling usually disappears after 10-15 minutes, tho.
Jadiiiii, iya aku suka pakai ini. Kelihatan jadi lebih cerah, dan biasanya aku pakai kalau lagi butuh keliatan putih. contoh: pesta. Ini juga waterproof, ya selama ga dipakein sabun atau digosok kenceng-kenceng, sih. TAPI, buatku, aku ga terlalu suka sama sensasinya pas baru abis pake. Kayak kita pakein foundation super tebel ke satu badan. Ya... rasa kayak gitu bakal ilang setelah 10-15 menit, sih sebenarnya.

I've said this before, I've used this lotion with the liquid soap, regularly, everyday. I like the results how these products gradually increased my skin tone. (why past tense? well... I'm not using the liquid soap again, since I have to use baby soap, so my allergies get itchier everyday, And I've got darker again because of my last holiday to Bali).
Seperti yang udah kubilang sebelumnya, ku pakai lotion ini barengan sama sabunnya, rutin, tiap hari. Suka sih sama hasilnya dulu. Ini bener-bener secara bertahap naikin skin tonenya. (kok dulu? iya... aku udah ga pake sabun cairnya lagi. Aku harus pakai sabun baby biar ga tambah gatel alerginya. Selain itu, kulitku juga udah makin gelap lagi, belang malah, gara-gara terakhir liburan ke Bali)

And, it comes to the end.
Dan, akhirnya sampai di akhirnya.

What I like from this product:
Apa yang kusuka dari produk ini:
  • Increases your skin tone just after you applied it on your skin. [naikin warna kulit langsung setelah pakai produk ini]
  • Increases your skin tone gradually if you use this regularly, everyday [naikin warna kulit secara bertahap kalau rutin pakai]
  • It has sweet fragrance, sooo milky, but I think also like... flower-ish fragrance? [wanginya manis. kayak susu banget, tapi kayaknya berasa wangi bunga juga deh .______.]
  • Long-lasting, the effect can stay for one day if you don't use soap, take a bath, or rub your skin too hard [tahan lama, bisa tahan satu harian, loh! selama ga disabunin, ga mandi, atau gosok terlalu kenceng]
What I don't like from this prouct:
Apa yang aku gasuka dari produk ini:
  • The sensation just after I applied the lotion [sensasinya kalau abis pake]
  • tooooooo expensive :""""((( I can't always afford that since I have to use my salary for my college things too. [terlalu mahaaaall :"""""(((( soalnya gabisa selalu beli mengingat duit gaji ga cuma buat skincare dan makeup. harus bayar keperluan kuliah juga, kan :')]
Rate 1-5:

Repurchase? [Beli lagi?]
I want to repurchase this tho... but I should have to make sure that I don't have a lot of needs for my college.
Mau beli lagi sih sebenernya... tapi harus mastiin dulu kalau ga ada kebutuhan macem-macem buat kampus. bayar kuliah misalnya.