I love to use lotion. I have 3-4 bottles of lotion at my home. Am I use them all? Yes. Why? It's simply because I love the fragrance. It's different with perfume (I have 3-4 bottles of perfume, also). Using lotion is simply boosts my mood, and soften my skin. A few days ago, I went to Mall Kelapa Gading with my friend and tried to look at Sephora's Store. I saw a rack full with colorful bottles like this. How can you not fall in love with these things? Plus, These cute lotions aren't that expensive. They're only IDR 129.000 for 190ml. Quite cheap for Sephora, eh?
Aku seneng banget pakai lotion. Di rumah mungkin ada 3-4 botol lotion. aku pake semua? Iya. Kenapa? simple aja sih, aku suka wanginya. Beda sama parfum yang semprot-semprot aja, kalau lotion sekali dipake langsung naikin mood, plus bikin kulit halus. Beberapa hari lalu aku ke store nya Sephora di Mall Kelapa Gading sama temenku. Aku ngeliat satu rak isinya full botol warna-warni kayak gini. Gimana bisa ga jatuh cinta? Plus, lotion lotion yang lucu ini harganya ga mahal. Cuma IDR 129.000 untuk 190ml. cukup murah untuk brand Sephora, kan?
So for a lot of times, I decided to buy one bottle of body lotion. I chose "Lagoon", and my friend chose "Mango". We have a different preference for fragrance. She loves fruity-sweet or just sweet smell like caramel and vanilla, I love fruity-fresh smell, soft, or some kind like musk.
Jadi, untuk kesekian kalinya, aku memutuskan untuk membeli satu botol body lotion. Aku pilih Lagoon, dan temanku memilih Mango. Kita punya selera wangi yang berbeda. Temanku lebih prefer ke wangi buah-buahan manis atau yang manis aja seperti vanilla dan caramel. Aku lebih suka wangi buah-buahan segar, yang soft, atau musk.
This is "Lagoon"
This is "Mango"
Both of these pictures are from Sephora's website. So let's check ours
Semua gambar di atas berasal dari websitenya Sephora. Jadi mari kita lihat apa yang kita beli
Sorry for the light, It differs the colors with the real pictures or even the real products, especially for the "Mango", The color on this picture looks like "Monoi". Actually, the color is darker than that, yeah, dark orange. These are our lotions. I asked my friend to took the picture of her lotion tho. Thankyou, Elin ! XD
Maaf, karena cahayanya bikin warnanya sedikit berbeda dengan warna aslinya, terutama "Mango" nya. Di foto ini malah jadi terlihat seperti varian yang "Monoi" warnanya. Sebenarnya warnanya lebih gelap dari itu, iya, orange gelap. Ini lotion kita, aku minta temanku foto botolnya :p makasih, Elin XD
So, the product said these lotions are dermatology tested, paraben free, lightly scented texture, enriched with blue algae extract, melts on the skin, penetrates immediately without leaving an oily firm, for instant comfort, and leaves the skin soft and moisturized all day long.
Jadi produk ini bilang, lotion-lotion ini sudah dermatology tested, bebas paraben, tekstur wangi yang enteng, diperkaya dengan ektrak ganggang biru, meleleh di kulit, meresap langsung tanpa meninggalkan efek berminyak, untuk kenyamanan yang instant, dan membuat kulit terasa halus dan lembab sepanjang hari.
This is the texture, and it really melts to my skin. It really penetrates well and doesn't give an oily effect. It's kinda like water-based and absorbs quickly to skin. I just loove this so much. Plus, I love the fragrance. Remember, mine is "Lagoon".
Ini teksturnya, dan ini benar-benar langsung meresap ke kulitku. Ga ngasih perasaan oily sama sekali, seakan-akan seperti water-based dan aku sukaaaa banget sama lotionnya. Plus, aku suka wanginya. Ingat, punyaku "Lagoon"
I've smelled all of the fragrance at the store, all of them smells good, it depends which one do you prefer. My choice, which is "Lagoon" is kinda musk and slightly smells like man's peefume. I like that, it's not too strong, soft, and fresh at the same time. My friend's, which is "Mango" smells like a combination of Mango juice with milk. It's fresh and sweet at the same time.
Aku udah cium semua wanginya di store nya, semuanya wanginya enak, tergantung kesukaan kalian aja. Pilihanku, yaitu "Lagoon", wanginya seperti musk dan sedikit mirip dengan wangi parfum pria. Aku suka, sih, ga terlalu kuat, lembut, dan segar di saat yang bersamaan. Temanku memilih "Mango" yang wanginya seperti jus mangga dicampur susu, ya jelas wanginya segar dan manis di saat yang bersamaan.
At first, I thought "Ah, why should I spend above 100k for lotion again?" but now, I think I would use this every time I need to smell something nice. I love this.
Pertama aku mikir "Ah kenapa aku menghabiskan lebih dari 100k buat beli lotion lagi?" tapi sekarang, aku rasa aku akan pakai ini setiap kali aku butuh mencium wewangian yang enak. Aku suka ini.
So, these are what I like:
- The smell
- Penetrates easily to my skin without leaving an oily firm
- Light texture
Jadi ini yang aku suka:
- wanginya
- meresap dengan mudah tanpa meninggalkan rasa berminyak
- tektur yang ringan
What I don't like:
- surprisingly, none. I love this body lotion.
Apa yang aku ga suka:
- Surprisingly, ga ada. I love this lotion.
I think, maybe yes. But I also think to buy another variance or try another brand
Beli lagi?
Aku pikir, mungkin iya. Tapi aku juga berfikir untuk membeli wangi yang lain atau coba merk yang lain
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